The Mother Ship

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions are a funny thing. Their true nature is best observed at health clubs shortly after the new year comes around. Normally, local health clubs are filled with familiar faces. The people with real dedication to work out show up consistently. After a month or two, the dedicated people learn each other's names and begin developing relationships. Jenny knows that each Friday at 9 am she will go to the yoga class and talk about her week with Molly.  C.J. knows that Bob has nothing to do during the day (but also doesn't really like working out), so he will run into Bob wandering the club's halls anytime between 8 am and 3 pm. And everyone knows that the freaky strong (and probably lesbian) Helga runs a wicked hard spin class on Monday mornings.

Then things change. January 1 rolls around, and all of the sudden Jenny and Molly find themselves arriving too late to get a spot at the Friday morning yoga class. The parking lot is crazy full. C.J. can hardly spot Bob through the crowds in the halls. It happens every year. The regulars expect it, and dread it: thousands of people in the neighborhood making a New Year's Resolution to work out and lose weight. Fortunately for the regulars (and unfortunately for the state of humanity), they already know what happens next. January will suck. February will be a little bit better. And by mid-late March, C.J. will have no trouble at all spotting Bob wandering the halls.

Greg, congratulations on your resolution. The Response sincerely hopes that you succeed. And come March, Jenny and Molly will love to have you at 9 am yoga. Don't worry about showing up early: there should be plenty of open spots.